supplies needed: · 4 cups flour · 1…

When winter arrives, so do the chances for snow days. If school gets called off and you end up at home with your kids on these chilly days, here are a few ideas to help pass the time that won’t break the bank.

1 play in the snow
With fresh powder on the ground, why not make the best of it by going out and having some fun? You could build a snowman, have a playful snowball fight or just go for a peaceful stroll through a nearby park. If you’re looking for more of a thrill, try breaking out a few sleds. Take them for some downhill runs or even race around the backyard to see who’s fastest. And after you’re done playing in the snow, don’t forget to warm up with a fresh cup of hot cocoa.

2 living room picnic
Warm up from the cold by enjoying that hot cocoa while having a picnic in the living room for lunch. All you need to do is grab a blanket, some delicious finger foods and then you’ll have yourself a delightful, impromptu picnic. Feel free to put on a summertime movie to help give lunch a warmer feeling.

3 arts and crafts
A great indoor activity for a snow day is to do some arts and crafts. These can be anything from coloring books to paper crafts to an easy DIY project (we have a few on our blog to try Arts and crafts are a great way to have some creative fun while keeping kids’ minds active.

4 board games and puzzles
Another way to keep kids’ minds active during a snow day is to play some board games or put together a puzzle. Both are perfect to pass the time and allow for creative thinking. If you have a few board games at home, you could start a mini contest to see who can win the most games.